Common Error Code
HTTP status code
In addition to the standard Ethereum JSON-RPC error codes, SolarPath also returns the following status codes for HTTP requests:
JSON-RPC status code
Last updated
In addition to the standard Ethereum JSON-RPC error codes, SolarPath also returns the following status codes for HTTP requests:
Last updated
Code | Message | Reason |
Code | Message | Reason |
Bad Request
The request is invalid due to an incorrect or invalid API key format, or an incorrect request path.
API-KEY is unauthorized
API-KEY is not authorized to access.
Whitelist access is enabled, access is denied if whitelist conditions are not met.
Too Many Requests
The request is being rate-limited.
Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error
Daily capacity limit exceeded
Exceeded daily request limit.
Parse error
invalid JSON
Invalid Request
is not a valid JSON object
Method not found
Request method not found or not implemented
Invalid params
invalid parameter
JSON-RPC internal error
JSON-RPC internal error
Invalid input
Parameter is missing or invalid
Resource not found
The requested resource could not be found
Resource unavailable
The requested resource is not available
Transaction rejected
transaction declined
Unsupported Method
Unsupported JSON-RPC method
Request exceeds defined limit
Request exceeded
JSON-RPC version not supported
JSON-RPC version does not support